About Unknown Grounds



How do you sign up?

We aim to create a committed community of up to 25 people that will enable an intimate and meaningful exchange.
To do so, we ask you to:

-09 Sept - 15 Oct: Send us a short bio and motivation stating why you would like to take part in Unknown Grounds to: unknowngrounds@voorheendegemeente.nl

-by 22 Oct: We send you a digital booklet consisting of 6 short texts (5 pages each) written by our contributors in which they each
share their perspectives on the notion of “unknown grounds”. You will also receive a printed copy of the booklet to your house.

-by 01 Nov: Send us one question/comment on each text and your payment.

-You are in!

(First come, first served!)

The performative-symposium fee is €75.

There are a total of 5 sponsored vacancies with a discount fee of €25: if you wish to benefit from this opportunity,
make sure to state this in your motivation text.

The fee includes all activities, plus lunch, coffee, an informal meal during the performative-symposium, a booklet and a publication.

Overnight stay
The fee does not include an overnight stay, we can assist with finding (affordable) accommodation in Leeuwarden.
Please let us know if you need our help with finding accommodation.

When you sign up you agree to:
- Prepare yourself for the event by reading the booklet.
- Submit a question/comment on each of the texts.
- Be present at the symposium for the full two days.
- Pay the fee

OPEN CALL: sign up before October 15, 2019