Theun Karelse

[EN] Theun Karelse (Nl) studied fine-arts at the Sandberg Institute in Amsterdam before joining FoAM, a transdisciplinary laboratory at the interstices of art, science, nature and everyday life. His interests and experimental practice explores edges between art, environment, technology and archaeology. Lately he has been creating research programmes that consist of fieldwork and critical reflection. For this diverse teams are established to adress specific topics in specific locations by in-situ prototyping, experimentation and direct perception.

[NL] Theun Karelse (Nl) studeerde aan het master programma fine-arts op het Sandberg Instituut waarna hij toetrad tot FoAM. Zijn interesses en experimenten verkennen de randen tussen kunst, ecologie, technologie en archologie. Meer recent ontwikkelt hij onderzoeksprogrammas die bestaan uit veldwerk en critische reflectie. Hiertoe stelt hij veelal interdisciplinaire teams samen rondom specifieke themas. Deze themas worden onderzocht in veldwerksessies door middel van in-situ prototyping, experimenten en directe waarneming.

Masha Ru

Masha Ru is a creative with a background in science. Masha’s projects combine scientific research with a personal approach and cultural practices. In 2011 Ru obtained a PhD in Mathematics and graduated with honors from Photo Academy Amsterdam. In 2013-2014 she participated in the art-in-residency programme at Rijksakademie van Beeldende Kunst in Amsterdam. In 2018 she was an artist fellow at the Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities and Social Sciences (NIAS-KNAW). Her artistic as well as scientific work has been exhibited, screened and published in various countries, including Austria, Belgium, China, Croatia, Cuba, Denmark, France, Germany, Guatemala, Indonesia, the Netherlands, Nigeria, Portugal, Russia, Spain, Suriname, Ukraine, UK and USA in such venues and events as African Artists’ Foundation in Lagos, Spanish Cultural Centre in Guatemala City, World Design Event in Eindhoven, ReadyTex Gallery in Paramaribo, 4th Jakarta ContemporaryCeramics Biennale in Jakarta, European Ceramic Workcentre in Oisterwijk, Sustainica in Dusseldorf,6th Moscow Biennale of Contemporary Arts in Moscow and Museo Maritimo in Bilbao.
Sissel Marie Tonn

Sissel Marie Tonn (1986, Copenhagen) is a Danish artist based in The Hague. In her practice she explores the complex ways humans perceive, act upon and are entangled with our environments. She is particularly fascinated by how our senses affect our ability to perceive change within an environment, affecting our capacity to act upon them. She documents and transfers certain lived experiences, where being in the midst of a changing ecology might expose the psychological, social and perceptual/sensory challenges we all face in a present of volatile environmental change. She makes wearable, sculptural or performative ‘props’, that challenge and question the body’s preconfigured modes of perception and attention, and invite audience to engage directly with them. These ‘props’ are meant to shed light on how our biology, as well as our cultural conditions – be it artifacts, forms of knowledge, and architecture - influence the ways in which we perceive and act upon our environments.

She completed a master in Artistic Research at the Royal Academy of Art in The Hague in 2015. In 2016 she was the recipient of the Theodora Niemeijer prize for emerging female artists and was a resident at the Jan van Eyck Academie in Maastricht in 2017. Together with Jonathan Reus and Flora Reznik she runs the initiative Platform for Thought in Motion, which has until recently hosted the Reading Room series at Stroom Den Haag.
Andrej Radman

Andrej Radman has been teaching theory courses and design studios at TU Delft Faculty of Architecture and The Built Environment since 2004. In 2008 he was appointed Assistant Professor of Architecture and joined the Architecture Theory Chair. As a graduate of the Zagreb School of Architecture in Croatia, Radman received a Master’s Degree cum laude and a Doctoral Degree from Delft University of Technology. His current research focuses on New Materialism in general and Ecologies of Architecture in particular. Radman is a production editor and member of the editorial board of the peer-reviewed architecture theory journal Footprint. He is also a licensed architect with a portfolio of built and competition-winning projects. In 2002 Radman won the Croatian Association of Architects annual award for housing architecture in Croatia. His latest publication, coedited with Heidi Sohn, is Critical and Clinical Cartographies: Architecture, Robotics, Medicine, Philosophy (Edinburgh University Press, 2017).

Bert Looper

[NL] Bert Looper studeerde middeleeuwse geschiedenis in Groningen en volgde de Rijks Archiefschool in Den Haag. Hij is sinds 2007 directeur van Tresoar, Fries historisch en letterkundig centrum. Hij publiceerde over archivistiek, stadshistorie, Hanze, twintigste-eeuws design en Friese geschiedenis. In 2017 publiceerde hij Hier ligt de zee: het verslag van een levenslange zoektocht naar de verhouding tussen taal, landschap, kunst, herinnering en identiteit in twintig essays. Tegen de achtergrond van de spanning in Europa tussen moderne staatsverbanden en regio’s met een eigen geschiedenis, neemt Bert Looper de lezer mee naar een gebied dat zich al eeuwenlang de identiteitsvraag stelt.

[EN] Bert Looper studied medieval history in Groningen and attended the Rijks Archiefschool in The Hague. Since 2007 he has been the director of Tresoar, Frisian historical and literary centre. He has published on archivists, city history, Hanze, twentieth-century design and Frisian history. In 2017 he published Here lies the sea (Hier ligt de zee): report of a lifelong search on the relationship between language, landscape, art, memory and identity spread in twenty essays. Against the background of the tension in Europe between modern state contexts and regions with its own history, Bert Looper takes the reader along to an area that questions identity for centuries.
Flora Reznik

[EN] Flora Reznik was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina where among other things she received a Diploma in Philosophy (Universidad de Buenos Aires) and co-founded the Contemporary Arts magazine CIA, directed by Roberto Jacoby. In Berlin, Reznik started working professionally as a video artist. She is currently based in The Hague, Netherlands, where she received a degree at the ArtScience Interfaculty of the Royal Academy of Art. She is active as an artist and continues to develop her work through video, performance, installation and text, which she compliments with theoretical research. Reznik also until recently co-organized The Reading Room, a series of events engaging artists with scholars in a mutual exchange of knowledge.

[NL] Kunstenaar afkomstig uit Argentinië, wonend en werkende in Nederland. Ze studeerde aan de Universidad del Cine (FUC) in Buenos Aires en behaalde een diploma Filosofie aan de Universiteit van Buenos Aires. Tegelijkertijd werkte ze als video-editor bij films en televisie en richtte ze het tijdschrift voor hedendaagse kunst CIA op. In Nederland studeerde ze af aan de ArtScience Interfaculty, een interdisciplinair opleidingsprogramma aan de Koninklijke Academie van Beeldende Kunsten in Den Haag. Momenteel is ze actief als kunstenaar en ontwikkelt ze haar werk door middel van video, performance, installatie en tekst. Daarnaast co-cureert ze het kunstenaarsinitiatief The Reading Room, een serie leesgroepen waarbij hedendaagse onderzoekers, culturele theoretici, filosofen en kunstenaars worden uitgenodigd om over hun teksten het gesprek aan te gaan.

About Unknown Grounds





Ribal is a photographer and Architectural Assistant / draftsman who lives in The Netherlands since 3 years ago, yet to be granted official permission. As a Palestinian born in Arab Emirates, he is stateless and currently seeks asylum.
